What an awesome day. Iam so proud of my son, and my husband and the great example he is to our kids, and the great example Cagen set for his sisters and brother..
Ok so Jesse gets to go to a lot of baseball games it is for work. His company has there own box all year round. So the kids get to go a lot. This time they went it was a starwars theme and Cagen was so so excited he is starting to become a really huge fan. So he got a pic with chwie I know that is not how you spell it oh well. Now back to starwars so cagen wants to watch all the movies and he asks so many question so its like i have to start researching it so that cagen understands. I didn't Know that much about it, but i sure do now. Have you ever noticed that when your kids get in to something you need to to so that you know what they are talking about and can answer any questions that they might have about it. I also really enjoy the time i spend with cagen when we watch the movies and talk about it.
All right i have been reading other blogs and Google a lot lately. I would like to save more money, and to do this i would like to make my own shampoo and conditioner and my own body soap. I have not made any of it yet but hopefully i will. I will up date when i do and let you know how it went. My good friend Kristi gave me a great recipe for laundry detergent and i love it so this is the other reason i want to make my own shampoo and conditioner. Plus it has saved us a ton of money by making our own laundry detergent. who knows maybe i might try to make our own toothpaste i saw a couple of people have done that one thing at a time. So if anyone has any good homemade products they want to share please do. thanks
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