Its Been a long time

I just now noticed that I haven't posted anything sense February. I have been very busy with the move and I have been having so much trouble with my blood pressure had a few scary moments had to go to the ER 2 times because it was so high. I think we have that under control now. :) This is also my first year  Homeschooling I think it is going well. We decided that we would use the K12 program, but stop doing it 2 months in to it. It was so much like real school, and the kids felt so rushed though the lessons and I chose to do homeschooling so my kids would enjoy school and not stress. We are now doing latter day learning it is a one room school house you teach the same lesson to the kids and adapted it to there ages love it so Aberdien can be included too. Homeschooling has done cagen wonders he is no longer doing his head tics anymore he just has his vocal tics the DR said it has gotten better because we are homeschooling him. Aiden is doing great to with her emotional disorder she has been controlling her moods very well. The DR said homeschooling will help her better then public school. It is so nice to her a DR say that. Cagen is 9 now Aiden is 6 now Aberdien is 3 now and Captain is 18 months my babies are getting so big they are not so much babies anymore. It makes me want another I have to keep reminding myself that I am busy and I need to hold off a little longer, but it doesn't help when all the ladies I was pregnant with last time are pregnant again I just need to stop thinking about it. I love being a mom and I know that is what I was brought into this world to do and it is such an amazing thing to be a mom. well I think that is all on the updates on the family. Oh I forgot to mention Jesse he is doing great loves his job and being a dad well at least I hope he dose :). He is the best husband ever I love that man. OK now done with the updates.


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