
Well I had my little captain two Weeks ago by c-Section. I am recovering very well. But then all of a sudden I kept having this pain on my right side under my ribcage. I didn't think much of it just thought maybe they bruised something during the c-section, but then I work up in the worst pain ever I really thought I was going to die that is how bad it was. So I went to the Dr. come to find out. I have gallstones and have to have my gallbladder removed sometime next week just waiting for a call to tell me what day. Hopefully it will be soon being in pain sucks.


  1. I'm so sorry, that stinks to have to be cut open again! At least it's an easy fix. My mom just had hers out and she was instantly better! You're the third person I've heard of recently that had to have their galbladder removed soon after delivery. That is so weird.


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