No kids today

OK so grandma and pa came home from there trip on Saturday and asked if they could have all the kids spend the night Sunday night. I was so excited, because me and Jesse haven't had time alone for two months now so it was so nice to spend that time with him, But now I am alone because he is at work. So I have already done the normal house work and more. I just got back from the library. I know people may think that is weird that i went there but the thing is i never ever get to go there my self so it was nice to walk though the grown up section of the library with no one yelling at me. Now i am back home and i am eating lunch and no one is yelling at me either wow i love it. I do miss my kids but it is nice and is need to have time alone. I know all moms out there know what i am talking about. I am so great full for grandparents. Thanks Kim and Scott


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