I want to try cloth diapers now

I would like to try cloth diapers. I always thought it would be hard or nasty to use them, but i recently watched one of my friends baby who where cloth diapers and it was not as bad as i thought it would be. Now i want to try them but i don't know what to use first so if anyone has any answers or feelings on Cloth diapering let me know i do know i don't want ones where you insert the cloth i want to use the cover more then once before i wash it. Oh and i would like a one size fits all if any of you could send me in the right direction that would be great. I am going in to this money saving mode.


  1. I can give you the low down. I'm actually going to start a new blog about saving money and recipes and it will include all the info I know about cloth diapers, but I haven't finished it yet and it will take me a while to type it all out, but you can give me a ring and I can tell you what I know.

  2. I will for sure do that thanks kristi


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