well update.

Hi everyone that follows my blog i haven't wrote anything for awhile. I was busy with the move and the trip to Latrobe PA. Well that is all done with. We really enjoy our house now. We got a grill witch Jesse loves and he loves his garage too. Cagen likes his own room. I love having a washer and dryer that is sweet. Cagen is going to school twice a week. We signed him up for headstart hopefully he will get in we will know in July. Aiden is getting big she says mom and mommy very well. Aiden always say my mom ma, and dog so well. Aiden is 18 months on the 19th she is growing so fast. Jesse is doing well at work we are so thankful that he has a job. Well now iam doing great iam going to start watching two children this coming week so it will be nice to have a little extra each week, Hopefully that will go well. Oh yeah Jesse's family is coming down on the 9th and staying tell the 13th. so that will be nice oh yeah it is a secret for the kids so if you read this make sure you don't say anything in front of my kids. well that is all for now on our little family i will try to update this more often. Thanks for reading.


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